Power through Being Under Authority

by Jose Oyola
As we continue in the theme of power during this last week of fasting, I’m writing this devotional on the 2nd Inauguration of Donald Trump. Our democratic system gives the authority to its citizens to vote and give a candidate the power to be president. This is not the case in many countries. That being said, I think it’s important for us to look at how Jesus got his power in order to root out a few things that may be affecting us with our walk with him.
First, Jesus was NOT living in a democracy in the first century. He didn't come into the world to run a campaign, ask money for it or make promises about future change. He comes into the world already with the title King of the Jews. Math 2:2. This is why he troubles King Herod and all of Jerusalem. V3. He’s instantly a threat to the establishment because he doesn't need “the vote” from the people or some backroom deals to be King. God has made him King…Psalm 2:6. The only proper response from us is to recognize this and worship him. It's only our pride and the effect of our current context that allows us to think we have a say on who should be our king. We don’t crown Jesus…He’s already been crowned, exalted to the highest place of authority by the Father. Phil 2
Speaking of the Father, it’s very clear throughout the Gospels, that Jesus is clearly under the authority of the Father. In essence, he’s only able to be King because of his submission to the Father. Jesus goes out of his way to let the people know that he’s not doing his own will, but the will of the father who sent him. This posture of the heart of submission is key to power being released and bringing about whatever was needed at the time. (healing, deliverance)
Experiencing the power of God is directly related to our identity in Christ. In several passages in the NT it is revealed that God has made us “Kings and Priests” through the blood of Jesus. It is part of his plan to establish his rule through us here on earth. We now have to embrace this and cooperate with him so he can cultivate a heart that is like Jesus. A heart fully submitted to him, who follows what he says so that his power can move in and through us. When we say, we want to be like Jesus, we should aim for that kind of heart of obedience.
One of my favorite examples in scripture is the story of the centurion soldier whose servant is sick. After requesting Jesus to come, he confesses that he’s not worthy for him to come to him but “just say the word and my servant will be healed, for I also am a man under authority having soldiers under me. And I say to this one go, and he goes and to another, come, and he comes and to my servant do this and he does it.” Math 8:9 In v10 it says that Jesus marveled at his faith and that he had not found such great faith in Israel. The centurion recognized that Jesus was under authority AND his current occupation helped him see it and believe that if Jesus just said the word, his servant would be healed. Have you ever thought that God may be using your current occupation to teach you about authority and power? Remember his goal is make you walk in whose he’s made you to be…King and priest. That means, nothing you are experiencing, especially your occupation (no matter what it is) is a waste. He’s using it to bring about growth, fruitfulness in your life so that he can reveal his power.
Prayer points..
Pray that God
Would help you not see his rule through a “Democratic lens”
That you would embrace your identity as King and Priest
That your eyes would be open to how he’s using your current occupation to bring about his rule in and through you
As we continue in the theme of power during this last week of fasting, I’m writing this devotional on the 2nd Inauguration of Donald Trump. Our democratic system gives the authority to its citizens to vote and give a candidate the power to be president. This is not the case in many countries. That being said, I think it’s important for us to look at how Jesus got his power in order to root out a few things that may be affecting us with our walk with him.
First, Jesus was NOT living in a democracy in the first century. He didn't come into the world to run a campaign, ask money for it or make promises about future change. He comes into the world already with the title King of the Jews. Math 2:2. This is why he troubles King Herod and all of Jerusalem. V3. He’s instantly a threat to the establishment because he doesn't need “the vote” from the people or some backroom deals to be King. God has made him King…Psalm 2:6. The only proper response from us is to recognize this and worship him. It's only our pride and the effect of our current context that allows us to think we have a say on who should be our king. We don’t crown Jesus…He’s already been crowned, exalted to the highest place of authority by the Father. Phil 2
Speaking of the Father, it’s very clear throughout the Gospels, that Jesus is clearly under the authority of the Father. In essence, he’s only able to be King because of his submission to the Father. Jesus goes out of his way to let the people know that he’s not doing his own will, but the will of the father who sent him. This posture of the heart of submission is key to power being released and bringing about whatever was needed at the time. (healing, deliverance)
Experiencing the power of God is directly related to our identity in Christ. In several passages in the NT it is revealed that God has made us “Kings and Priests” through the blood of Jesus. It is part of his plan to establish his rule through us here on earth. We now have to embrace this and cooperate with him so he can cultivate a heart that is like Jesus. A heart fully submitted to him, who follows what he says so that his power can move in and through us. When we say, we want to be like Jesus, we should aim for that kind of heart of obedience.
One of my favorite examples in scripture is the story of the centurion soldier whose servant is sick. After requesting Jesus to come, he confesses that he’s not worthy for him to come to him but “just say the word and my servant will be healed, for I also am a man under authority having soldiers under me. And I say to this one go, and he goes and to another, come, and he comes and to my servant do this and he does it.” Math 8:9 In v10 it says that Jesus marveled at his faith and that he had not found such great faith in Israel. The centurion recognized that Jesus was under authority AND his current occupation helped him see it and believe that if Jesus just said the word, his servant would be healed. Have you ever thought that God may be using your current occupation to teach you about authority and power? Remember his goal is make you walk in whose he’s made you to be…King and priest. That means, nothing you are experiencing, especially your occupation (no matter what it is) is a waste. He’s using it to bring about growth, fruitfulness in your life so that he can reveal his power.
Prayer points..
Pray that God
Would help you not see his rule through a “Democratic lens”
That you would embrace your identity as King and Priest
That your eyes would be open to how he’s using your current occupation to bring about his rule in and through you