Power of the Gospel

by Angie Fotsis
The other day I was meditating on the reality of eternity. I was trying to grasp the span of forever. Numbers like 1,000, 10,000, 100,00, and even 1 million are numbers that my finite mind can understand. I can imagine that many years, but when I enter into a billion or a trillion my ability to grasp them starts to fade. As I increase to the multiplication of trillions and trillions of years and into forever I lose all comprehension.
What I do gain, though, is a reverent awe in my spirit at the thought of such an existence. All humanity is heading towards this – an unchanging FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER existence! Through death, we step into a sealed eternal state - either in heaven or hell.
Anna and I recently visited a friend of ours who is near the end of her life. She is bedridden and barely speaking. We don’t know how much time she has left, but when we went to visit her we prayed for healing. We asked the Lord to touch her body and restore her. We know the Lord could heal her physically and that would be amazing, but ultimately, we wanted to see her experience spiritual healing. Even if the Lord physically healed her, she would still face death again one day.
While praying, I felt an overwhelming feeling come over me about how fragile life is. I looked her in the eyes and offered her the most powerful gift available to any human being – salvation through Jesus Christ. I told her that she could have the assurance of where she would spend her forever if she placed her faith in Jesus Christ. I read Rom 10:9 and felt her grip my hand tighter as tears rolled down her face. At that moment, I knew it was only the power of God that had overcome death that could offer her hope and bring her comfort. She had heard the message before, but if she hadn’t yet accepted it, this was the ideal time to!
When we talk about the power of God, we often associate it with the outward manifestations of His presence - healings, miracles, wonders etc. We definitely need to pray for these things, just as we did for our friend. However, any outward miracle is just an invitation to experience the greater miracle of life.
People can experience physical healing and witness the manifest power of God, but still remain enslaved to sin and death. I’ve seen people healed outwardly or experience the supernatural, and unfortunately it did not lead to salvation. A physical miracle or supernatural wonder doesn’t have the power in itself to transform our spiritual deadness. It only serves as the catalyst to receive the power of the gospel for eternal life! And for that end, we should always continue to contend for the supernatural!
One thing every person has in common is that they will face death, and most people are terrified by that thought. Yet, as believers, God has given us the hope of life to offer them. The ultimate source of power that we can wield in this life is the gospel message, which contains the hope of life from the dead! Jesus has conquered sin and death, offering forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe in Him.
He has risen from the grave and is seated at the Father's right hand, interceding for those who will come to know Him. Our proclamation of the gospel is one way Jesus’s prayers are answered on the earth. He has entrusted us with this powerful message that can change people's eternal destiny. The gospel is the power of God for salvation (Rom 1:16). The message of the cross may seem like foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved, it is the power of God (1 Cor 1:18). As we share it, God's power works through it to bring new birth!
We cannot hold back from sharing this good news! We have the hope the world desperately needs. Our responsibility is to share it, and God will do His part. I pray that during this fast, Jesus will empower us to step out boldly and share the gospel!
The other day I was meditating on the reality of eternity. I was trying to grasp the span of forever. Numbers like 1,000, 10,000, 100,00, and even 1 million are numbers that my finite mind can understand. I can imagine that many years, but when I enter into a billion or a trillion my ability to grasp them starts to fade. As I increase to the multiplication of trillions and trillions of years and into forever I lose all comprehension.
What I do gain, though, is a reverent awe in my spirit at the thought of such an existence. All humanity is heading towards this – an unchanging FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER existence! Through death, we step into a sealed eternal state - either in heaven or hell.
Anna and I recently visited a friend of ours who is near the end of her life. She is bedridden and barely speaking. We don’t know how much time she has left, but when we went to visit her we prayed for healing. We asked the Lord to touch her body and restore her. We know the Lord could heal her physically and that would be amazing, but ultimately, we wanted to see her experience spiritual healing. Even if the Lord physically healed her, she would still face death again one day.
While praying, I felt an overwhelming feeling come over me about how fragile life is. I looked her in the eyes and offered her the most powerful gift available to any human being – salvation through Jesus Christ. I told her that she could have the assurance of where she would spend her forever if she placed her faith in Jesus Christ. I read Rom 10:9 and felt her grip my hand tighter as tears rolled down her face. At that moment, I knew it was only the power of God that had overcome death that could offer her hope and bring her comfort. She had heard the message before, but if she hadn’t yet accepted it, this was the ideal time to!
When we talk about the power of God, we often associate it with the outward manifestations of His presence - healings, miracles, wonders etc. We definitely need to pray for these things, just as we did for our friend. However, any outward miracle is just an invitation to experience the greater miracle of life.
People can experience physical healing and witness the manifest power of God, but still remain enslaved to sin and death. I’ve seen people healed outwardly or experience the supernatural, and unfortunately it did not lead to salvation. A physical miracle or supernatural wonder doesn’t have the power in itself to transform our spiritual deadness. It only serves as the catalyst to receive the power of the gospel for eternal life! And for that end, we should always continue to contend for the supernatural!
One thing every person has in common is that they will face death, and most people are terrified by that thought. Yet, as believers, God has given us the hope of life to offer them. The ultimate source of power that we can wield in this life is the gospel message, which contains the hope of life from the dead! Jesus has conquered sin and death, offering forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe in Him.
He has risen from the grave and is seated at the Father's right hand, interceding for those who will come to know Him. Our proclamation of the gospel is one way Jesus’s prayers are answered on the earth. He has entrusted us with this powerful message that can change people's eternal destiny. The gospel is the power of God for salvation (Rom 1:16). The message of the cross may seem like foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved, it is the power of God (1 Cor 1:18). As we share it, God's power works through it to bring new birth!
We cannot hold back from sharing this good news! We have the hope the world desperately needs. Our responsibility is to share it, and God will do His part. I pray that during this fast, Jesus will empower us to step out boldly and share the gospel!