Rewards of Discipleship
by Jose Oyola
When we think about discipleship, many times we tend to focus on the cost (as we should) but it is also important to focus on the rewards.
As our sister Anika shared with us on Monday out of Math 19:29 "everyone who has given up houses, or brothers and sister or father or mother or children or property will a 100 times as much in return and will inherit eternal life."
This is one of the greatest promises related to becoming a disciple. It's also one of the hardest to believe. Most folks believe this is more tied to the future but in Mark 10:29-30 Jesus, restating the promise says we will receive a 100 fold return NOW in this time AND will inherit eternal life.
If we look at it from a farmer's perspective, it's definitely easier to grasp. He plants seed on a soil prepared to receive it and has an expectation for a great return. In the same way, God has given us his word, specifically what he requires for discipleship. As we humble ourselves and obey his words, we now have an expectation of a return in this time.
Jesus also says that "a disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher and a servant like his master" Math 10:24-25. Another great reward is becoming like him. David in Psalm 17:15 says "I shall be satisfied when I awake in your likeness" David had a revelation about the goodness of God and wanted to be like him. Discipleship is the path of looking like him.
Questions for reflection and prayer
1. Do you believe God will keep his promise of 100 fold return in this time?
2. Do you understand that loving him above our possessions, earthly relationships positions us to receive more of those very things?
3. Is the reward of becoming like him "enough" for you?
When we think about discipleship, many times we tend to focus on the cost (as we should) but it is also important to focus on the rewards.
As our sister Anika shared with us on Monday out of Math 19:29 "everyone who has given up houses, or brothers and sister or father or mother or children or property will a 100 times as much in return and will inherit eternal life."
This is one of the greatest promises related to becoming a disciple. It's also one of the hardest to believe. Most folks believe this is more tied to the future but in Mark 10:29-30 Jesus, restating the promise says we will receive a 100 fold return NOW in this time AND will inherit eternal life.
If we look at it from a farmer's perspective, it's definitely easier to grasp. He plants seed on a soil prepared to receive it and has an expectation for a great return. In the same way, God has given us his word, specifically what he requires for discipleship. As we humble ourselves and obey his words, we now have an expectation of a return in this time.
Jesus also says that "a disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher and a servant like his master" Math 10:24-25. Another great reward is becoming like him. David in Psalm 17:15 says "I shall be satisfied when I awake in your likeness" David had a revelation about the goodness of God and wanted to be like him. Discipleship is the path of looking like him.
Questions for reflection and prayer
1. Do you believe God will keep his promise of 100 fold return in this time?
2. Do you understand that loving him above our possessions, earthly relationships positions us to receive more of those very things?
3. Is the reward of becoming like him "enough" for you?