Made Different; Made One

by José Oyola

The idea and push for diversity is at an all time high. No matter what sphere -- government, sports, education -- diversity is what the world wants to see. It also wants to see unity. It's a great pursuit but the reality is, that as much as it wants it, it is incapable of attaining these things because they can only come from the Lord.

Through the body of Christ, His family, diversity and unity can truly be displayed. That's the way He designed it.

In 1 Corinthians 12:4-6  we read "There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit, there are differences of ministries but the same Lord, and there are diversities of activities but the same God who works all in all."

This one example of how diversity comes from the Lord. As you continue to read the chapter you also see that the body is made up of many members. These "body parts" are united, just as our physical body is united by design.

Our fast is an opportunity to allow the Lord to help us appreciate the diversity of the various members of the body.  We can see that He made us different in order for us to be one. Thankfully, we don't have to create either one. Our job is to learn to submit to the Spirit who generates them.

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